After-School Activities
At Dromore Road we have a range of School Clubs on offer that are sure to suit every pupil from Y1 – Y7. These clubs run throughout the year and are normally full to capacity. During the year, pupils in Y4-7 will have the opportunity to avail of a range of activities such as Coding Club, Homework Club, Football, Drama Club, Cycling Proficiency, Hockey, Makaton, Art and craft activities etc.
Pupils in Y1, 2 and 3 are also catered for and one of our most popular clubs is our 321 Club which facilitates younger pupils to be engaged in a range of exciting activities between 1:30-2:50pm. This Club is organised by staff within the school and is partially financed through the Extended School's Programme.
Dromore Road Primary School, Upper Dromore Road,
Warrenpoint Co Down BT34 3JH
Phone: 028 4175 2656