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Dromore Road Primary School, Warrenpoint

Eco Council


The school was last awarded its Eco Flag in June 2023 and this year we will be working hard to regain our status.  At the beginning of the year, representatives applied to become members of the Eco Council which has already met and decided that our school's focuses for the year will be:

  1. Major focus (Marine) - To explore the threats to the marine environment
  2. Minor focus (Transport) - To look at opportunities to promote greener ways to come to school.
  3. Minor focus (Biodiversity)- We were delighted to receive a School Pollinator Grant from Live Here Love Here in 2022/23 and this year we will be working hard to maintain and improve our school grounds so that pollinators continue to strive. 

The Eco Council also undertake a number of other roles by firstly working hard to encourage everyone in the school to use the recycling bins more efficiently.  Members of the Eco Council are responsible for emptying the waste into our central recycling centre on a daily basis and each class also has a box for recycling batteries. Energy monitors also check daily that we are turning off lights and putting computers on standby while we are out at break and lunch, and also remember to close the doors to keep the heat in.

Our Eco Council members also encourages everyone to stay healthy and throughout the year The Eco Council run events to promote fitness and encourage healthy eating. 





19th Jun 2024
The Eco Council would like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to...
5th Jun 2024
The Eco council ran another successful Skipathon this morning in the sunshine. Our...
18th Apr 2024
This week saw a surge in planting as the weather has improved and we look forward...